Friday 10 May 2013


Wow, is this really just the 5th day I've done something about my program?

Okay, so far I have about 14 things I can put into the rooms of my game and I have 18 rooms to fill.

  1. key 1
  2. key 2
  3. locked door 1
  4. locked door 2
  5. alien god who asks riddle 
  6. The Epic Answers to Epic Riddles book
  7. alien monsters
  8. weapon
  9. a pit hole that leads to instant death (GAME OVER)
  10. treasure chest with 1000 coins in Pluto currency
  11. greedy alien god
  12. poisonous gas trap
  13. anti-gas potion
  14. poisonous food with no antidote
  15. a map (?How am I going to work this out?)
Other than that, I'll be a happy person after I make sure that the array that will determine what room is available etc works. Which I think means I'll have to make a few more classes for these rooms before I can properly test it out. 

I figured that if I make it so after they click on an item, a JOptionPane will appear to say that they picked it up. Then--maybe instead I shoul dmake it so they could chose whether they want to pick it up after they click it. So...I can say in the JOptionPane... Do you want to pick up (item)? Yes/No
And then if yes, then draw the exact same room but without that item, if no, then it stays the same and they can proceed. I guess I could make it so they can't leave unless they pick up a certain item, but I'd say that it's their own fault for not picking up a key that would most likely open a locked door. I mean, what's the harm of picking up a few items?

Currently this is how the first room looks although it's terrible bare and more things will have to be added to it!(Or not?) Maybe the key should be in a drawer by the front wall instead.

They key is there, but it's pretty small. I tried to make the size reasonable considering the size of the room and everything...
There's only one door, but if it's going by how my grid looks, they'd also be able to go right so I should probably add a door on the wall to the right. 


  1. That key sounds really cool. LOL, "What's the harm of picking up a few items?" What if...what if....what if I pick up a bomb?? :p

    It still looks like I'm stuck in a cardboard box, hehe. Really cools :D

  2. I'll be sure to leave out the bomb since I figured out what to put inside the remaining room.
    Sure, if you want to be in a cardboard box xD
