Friday 26 April 2013


Today was all about mapping out my game. Laying traps, treasure, and keys for the user. Oh, not to mention the deadly pit I planned to put somewhere in the game. It was actually pretty fun!

I haven't actually started programming the game yet since I want to make sure I have everything I want in all my rooms (18 of them), even though I should be able to change my mind in the middle of it.
And I have a feeling it's going to be very confusing.

Ah, and about the problem I had yesterday. It's fine when I run the program on my school computer and +Chilly C  guesses that I probably ran out of RAMs when I...ran...the program... (too many rans there O_O).


  1. Uhoh...that's not good O_o

    Doesn't your laptop have like 4 GB of RAM? O_o

    Even the school computers have...2 gb O________________o

    1. Pft. Well, I don't even know why it's not working. I wasn't even using much of it. O_O I'll have to try again tomorrow or the day after. Rush rush rush! Busy busy busy! Work work work! Ghaaaa.

    2. I'm confused. So did you import java.awt.event.*; and java.awt.*; as entire packages? Cause that takes up a lot of room.

      But in many of my old programs, if you constantly go back and forth between methods, it crashed programs because instead of letting a method end naturally, the method just kept going and kept going so the memory was all used up.

      If you have a method which you can let end naturally, then it shouldn't lag too much...

    3. Hm. I'm not sure if I'm letting it end naturally then, seeing that I'm just making the frame visible/invisibe

    4. Hmm, interesting... o__________O

      I wonder how Ryk's going to mark it if it crashes though :/

    5. That... doesn't sound good.
